Monday, November 5, 2012

One more day...

One day left until the election…  My prediction is that the President will be re-elected.  It seems polls have him up in Ohio, Iowa and Colorado right now.  Granted that those polls are really close, and they are just polls, but this seems to have the feel of re-election to me.  Of course, I did vote for the President, but I really do think we are headed for four more years. 

I know there are many people around the country that will not be happy about this.  There are all kinds of irrational persons who think that President Obama is a socialist, a Muslim extremist, or not even American; however, there is no evidence for any of these claims.  I see the President as a dedicated and smart individual to the betterment of all Americans, especially those who struggle the most. 

My hope is that the President will be able unite Americans in a way that hasn’t happened since the horrible terror attacks of 9-11.  I remember how united we were and how politics went by the wayside, and for a short time a horrific tragedy seemed to unite America and the world in a way that has not been seen in so long.  Sadly, that is gone and the political partisanship and disrespect has replaced any sense of unity.  It is sad that we can’t get along and compromise as Americans and realize that there are media entities on both ends of the spectrum that are self interested and manipulating for their own gains.  I hope American citizens will long for truth, compromise and understanding so we can move our country forward and not sink deeper in conspiracy theory and disunity.  

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