Wednesday, November 28, 2012

...And I will hold on hope...

And I will hold on hope
And I won’t let you choke
On that noose around your neck
And I’ll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I’ll know my name as it’s called again

This is a bit from one of the best songs I’ve heard in the past few years.  As many of you may know it is written by the English Folk band, Mumford & Sons.  Ever since I first heard their debut single “Little Lion Man” this band’s lyrics and music have blown me away.  I was fortunate enough to see them play live in Boston 2 years ago and I can honestly say after all the concerts I’ve seen, this was the best.  Their passion for their art is infectious and their music is pure genius. 

These lyrics are from the song “The Cave.”  They are about a man who has his priorities straight.  He knows that hope can never be abandoned.  Hope is what keeps so many people going.  Without hope we have no direction, no meaning and no purpose to continue.  Not only do we all need hope, but also we need others.  We are meant to live in community with others and for others.  We weren’t meant to live lives of lonely desperation.  This man is there for his close friend and he wants her to know it.  When I hear these lyrics it moves me each and every time.  There is someone in a desperate situation and he is pleading with her not to give up and to allow him to help.  He knows that pain is a reality, but that if we so choose we can find strength in that pain and allow our character to be molded into that person we should all want to be. 

The song is incredible and I would highly encourage you to give it a listen.  It’s a beautiful song about someone going through an incredibly difficult situation.  Someone close to them is pleading with them not to give up and not to give in.  They are begging them to allow them to help alleviate the pain and suffering that they are experiencing.  This song seems to be about the human condition.  We all go through horrible times and we all need those people closest to us to get through the hurt.  He says, “I’ve been there, I know how to get out of this.  Let me help you.”  He desperately wants the Truth to be known, knowing that it will set us free.  He knows that we each have a sort of calling.  Despite that fact that we are uncertain and often scared, we must be true to who we were made to be.  He says that we need to come out of “the cave” that hides the truth from us.  We need to look at the world with empathy and compassion and see how others view the world and then we can see the bigger picture of not how things are, but how the ought to be.  None of us can do life on our own.  We all need help and “The Cave” is a brilliant song about helping those we love. 

Lately I’ve been spending time skiing along in the amazingly beautiful nature that Colorado offers and many artists have kept me company.  I have given a lot of thought to these songs while on chairlifts and I thought I’d share some of my favorites on my blog.  I hope you can enjoy this song and that is will inspire you as much as it has me.  

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