Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Election day is finally here.  It is always an exciting day to see who will lead our country for the next four years.  I definitely have a preference this election, but I am not one of those people who think that I have to leave the country if the other candidate is elected.  This appears to be an incredibly close election, but from recent polling it seems that the President has a slight edge, but stranger things have happened. 

Personally I can’t wait for it to be over.  The ads alone in Colorado are so full of half-truths and misleading information, and since our state is up for grabs these ads have been extremely prevalent.  I can’t handle the coverage of this election.  It seems that we have lowered the intellectual bar and dismissed truth and embraced simplistic thinking about nuanced and difficult issues.  Everyone seems to have an opinion, but the lack of factual based evidence is sad.  It happens on both sides, but the partisanship in this country is more vitriol and prevalent than ever.   

The solution?  Public campaigns and abolishing the Electoral College.  I believe these two changes in America would help rid us of the negative ads, allow Congress to govern and give voters more choices when electing their governing officials. 

What do you think solutions could be?


  1. I agree. I can't wait for this election to be over. It brings out the worst in everyone. I stopped going onto facebook because it was so toxic... people swearing to unfriend people who had different view points or GOD FORBID someone was considering abstaining from the vote. Even the positive posts seemed to be bragging about voting. It's not some major sacrifice. You do it to improve your country, you don't need to tell everyone else what a caring/educated person you are. Just be it.

    1. I know Sus... I like discussing politics, but it's getting way out of hand. I had to de-friend someone on Facebook because they were getting way too rude and offensive in their posts.
