Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are more choices better?

I love TED talks.  If you have never been to and been mesmerized by some of the most brilliant people in the world, then you need to visit.  This TED talk by Barry Schwartz challenges something that we take for granted in Western culture, the assumption that more choices are better.  Dr. Schwartz has done significant research on this and his simple conclusion is that more choice actually makes us feel worse.  His analogy on jeans is priceless.  I highly encourage you to watch.   

What are your thoughts on Schwartz's thesis?  I think he is really onto something here.  In theory, freedom is a great thing and we all want it.  But total freedom would be anarchy and I don't know anyone who wants that.  We all must realize that whether we like it or not our choices affect other people and all too often we simply don't believe this.  Are more choices really better?

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