Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Best Part of Being a Father...

Often times I still find it hard to believe that I am a dad.  Neyla has been with us now for almost 16 months now, and despite the fact that she monopolizes so much of Janae's and my time, the concept that I am her father astounds me.  There's no doubt that there are times that Neyla absolutely drives Janae and I up a wall and frustrates us to no end, but I have never felt the way I do about a tiny person (or a large one for that matter).  Each time she runs to me with her arms wide-open a new "greatest moment of my life" occurs.  To read her a book or feed her or to see her and Janae interact fills my heart full of love and admiration. 

            Janae is a fantastically amazing mother.  I could not have imagined just how maternal and loving she would be with Neyla, but when Ney was born it was like something just kicked in inside of Janae.  When I first met Janae (maybe some of you remember this Janae), she thought that the two dumbest things that you could ever do were to get married and have kids.  She said it made no sense and that people only did those things for self-centered reasons.  She was convinced she would do neither.  I told her that I thought both were admirable and that I hoped someday I would do both.  Luckily for me, somewhere along the path of life she changed her mind. 

            On one of our first dates, after years of not seeing each other, Janae had told me she had changed.  She said that she thinks that she wants kids now and would like to be married.  She thought that if she didn't have kids she would be missing out on a part of life that she was meant to take part in.  The only problem was that she wasn't sure she would ever find a man that she'd like to share this experience with.  Within 6 weeks she had identified that man and it was I, thankfully.  ;-)

            When we found out that Janae was pregnant we were so happy, but we didn't know why.  We were not planning on having a baby we just left it up to fate.  Shortly thereafter we found out it would be a girl and I was secretly panicking while Janae was celebrating.  I didn't know the first thing about being a father, let alone to a girl.  I knew that most boys were pure evil and that one day one would ask out my daughter and this future moment panicked me.  I wanted to time travel, find this boy and teach him a lesson nice and early, either that or early register Neyla in a nunnery. 

            These worries no longer exist within my silly head.  Mostly because Janae is so amazing with her and I know for whatever silliness Neyla gets from me, it will be balanced and nullified by her mother's beauty, grace and love.  Even when Janae was a young tough feminista I knew that she was one of the most unique and beautiful people I had ever met.  My favorite thing about Neyla is that she is half Janae.  That is the best thing about having a child, that they are half you and half the person you love the most in the world.    

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