Friday, September 6, 2013

Majestic Majuro Mornings

Each morning I wake up around 6:00 am just as the sun is beginning to poke its head over the vast Pacific.  The black of the sky slowly turns to a dark purple, then dark blue and finally the oranges and yellows peak out from behind the beautiful atoll of Arno, Majuro's sister to the east.  Each majestic morning I know that whenever we leave Majuro I will miss my morning routine of watching the sun rise, drinking my iced coffee and pensively thinking about the world.  Some mornings when Neyla rises early, I get to share this experience with her.  We sit on our stoop, her with her milk and me with my coffee, we cuddle close, watch the sun rise, stand on the shore and pray.  

This morning was exceptionally amazing.  The wind was blowing a bit more than normal for this time of year and our friends Alvin and Ross were preparing to go diving beyond the breakers.  As they entered the water, we saw dozens of spinner dolphins swimming beyond the reef.  As our friends made it beyond the breakers we saw the few dozen dolphins jumping in unison and swimming down the coast of Majuro.  We had seen dolphins before, but never all jumping together in a sort of military formation.  All at once the 30 or so dolphins would jump entirely out of the water and race their way north toward the Rita end (northeast) of Majuro.  Janae and I were left flabbergasted. This was not something we saw much of in Chicago or Colorado.  

The best times of day in Majuro are the sunrises and sunsets.  The heat is not oppressive yet and the beauty is unsurpassed.  Most mornings I am so amazed by the sunrise that I often take pictures in hopes of others far away having some sense of the beauty that exists, but the pictures in no way can capture the true beauty.  You can't see the dolphins, you can feel the sun's warmth and you can't feel your soul being illuminated through the picture.  To truly understand the spectacular nature of the mornings of Majuro you need to experience it.

Below are some Sunrise pictures from Majuro:

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