Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th Thoughts

The 4th of July is a great time in the middle of the summer for families to get together, bbq’s to be enjoyed, parades of celebrations and fireworks at night.  However like most holidays in modern America the meaning and history has tragically been forgotten.  America is not something to mindlessly celebrate, it is a set of ideals to be continually chased after and collectively pursued.  There is still so much work to be done today in America to live up to the grand idea of a place where everyone could respectfully come together and have choices so long as they don’t interfere with other people’s choices.  The thing that sets America apart is the blank slate of ideas that this country was founded upon.  Despite the greatness of those ideas there has always been a cost.  On July 4th it is my contention that we ought to remember what this day really is and remember it as such and remember it is not a celebration for all.  On this day we should all reread the Declaration of Independence that Thomas Jefferson so eloquently wrote and remember why it was written and how serious it was when the Continental Congress adopted it.  We too must remember that July 4, 1776 signaled the beginning of the end for the vast majority of the Native American tribes that inhabited the western ¾ of the country for thousands of years.  It is a bittersweet day to be sure.  On one had we have the great ideas of a shared liberty and yet we have the loss of a people as well.  

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