Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Loving Chicago, Missing Majuro

We have been home in Chicago now for about 2 weeks.  It has been a fantastic time seeing friends and family and doing a lot of relaxing.  I have been playing a bunch of golf with friends and in tournaments and it's been really nice to play again.  Janae and Neyla have spent a lot of time playing with cousins and enjoying the cool Chicago weather.  After being in Majuro for 6 months Chicago is like a culinary explosion for us.  We have enjoyed Tapas, Chicago style Pizza and delicious Italian food.  None of those are accessible in the beautiful Marshall Islands.  Of all of these great things, there are some things that we miss about Majuro. 

We miss the simpleness of not having a TV and a cell phone.  It seems that since we have been home we've watched way too much TV and been on our iPhone way too much.  When you have these conveniences of modern life it is difficult to not use them.  I have read for 0 minutes since we have returned and spent too much time watching TV.  In my defense, the US Open was on last week and I hadn't been able to watch golf in several months, so that's my rationalization.  I am surprised how just by having technology as an option it sucks you into using it more than you ever would.  If living in Majuro has shown us anything it is that you really can create better more fulfilling relationships and spend more time exercising if you just do not have technology.  Janae and I have discussed and agreed that when we do return to the States, we will not get cable as it just eats up so much time that we could spend together and/or exercising and/or reading.  

Technology is obviously not a bad thing in and of itself.  In fact, there are so many great things that our modern technological society allows us today, but when we become too dependent upon it or rely on it too much, we clearly lose something.  

In Majuro I read more books than I could have ever imagined.  I was more fit than I had been in the last 10 years and I was able to spend more time with people building relationships.  Majuro has helped to reveal to us what truly is the most important things in life and we are excited to return for one more year in August.  

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