Saturday, December 31, 2011


The New Year starts here in Chicago in just under 6 hours.  This year has been a great year.  I married the love of my life and now we are expecting a little person.  I have made so many great new friends and found an amazing community here in Chicago.  It's hard to imagine my life being better than it is right now.  

Thank you to all my great friends and family who contribute to making life so great.  2012 could be the end of the world (if certain crazy people who listen to inaccurate ancient Mayan teachings are right) or it might just be the next year.  Personally, I have so much to look forward to in 2012 it would be impossible to recount them all here.

I can't wait to spend another year with Janae, to meet my new daughter, to grow in deeper friendship with my new friends from the past year and see what is in store that I have little or no control over.

2012 will bring us a second Obama term... or a new President.  Our world is changing faster than it seemingly ever has before and there are new challenges around every corner for every community, every nation and the world village.

God Bless the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet our daughter too. I hope she's just like you
