Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Loving Guatemala, Missing Majuro...

My first three weeks in Guatemala have been nothing short of amazing.  The weather is perfect every single day.  The nature is breath-taking.  The people are warm and welcoming.  My colleages are incredibly helpful and warm.  The work climate is positive and focused on the kids.  The kids are fun and engaging.  The ability to travel virtually every weekend to beautiful locations is intriguing.  In short, I love it. 
That is not to say that Guatemala City is some heaven on Earth, in fact, far from it.  The traffic is something that cannot be described.  There are no left turn here and every road is one way.  Often, to get to a store a block away you would have to drive two miles around a ravine and following the one way roads.  On campus, the nature is amazing and the air smells like a Florida morning in spring, but the city as a whole is smoggy.  There are seemingly no emission standards for cars, or if there are, nobody bothers to get them checked.  Crime is a major issue here.  It’s not rampant, but you have to be aware of where you are and if it is wise to be walking in that location.  We are very fortunate to live in an area where there are many places that one can walk safely.  The wealth gap here is startling.  There are some extremely wealthy and so many living in squalor. 

I am still learning so much about this country and its people, but so far I love it.  Having said that, I also miss my friends, colleagues and students from Majuro last year.  I wish all of them nothing but the best… and just because I am loving Guatemala doesn’t mean I’m not missing Majuro.  

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