Monday, February 3, 2014

Next Stop on the Rusin Train...

Janae and I have been thinking about next year ever since the beginning of this school year.  We essentially had 3 options available to us: 1. stay in Majuro.  2. live abroad again in a new exciting location  OR 3. return back to either Colorado or Chicago.  Throughout the past several months we have continually wavered on what we would prefer.  For a while I wanted to stay in Majuro, then we decided to look abroad and then we thought it might be best to go back to the States until Neyla was a bit older.  It was a very difficult decision especially since we had no real options yet for jobs next year.  Our first decision that we had to make was whether to stay here or go.  We decided that this year will be our last in Majuro.  It was a difficult decision, especially for me, but ultimately we decided that it’d be best for our small family.  That left two options on the table for next year. 

            As of now, most schools in Illinois and Colorado have not yet begun the hiring process for next year; therefore, the only schools that I have applied to are international schools.  I applied everywhere I could find with an opening for a Social Studies teacher.  Some jobs were already filled and some were just too far away for us to realistically consider.   But one job came along that I really wanted to explore.  We decided that if we were going to go abroad again that it would really need to be a “great fit” personally for our family and professionally for me.   We found that job in Guatemala.

            Immediately after I interviewed the first time I knew that I wanted this job.  The principal seemed to be a great leader and we hit it off swimmingly.  Now the questions were would he offer me the job and would Janae want to move to Guatemala?  Quickly, he let me know I was a leading candidate for the job, so Janae and I went to work investigating the Colegio Americano de Guatemala and the surrounding area to see if this would be a good fit for us.  After much investigating and emailing with people at the school we knew that we were in if we were offered the gig.  This past Saturday the Principal offered the job and I gladly accepted.

            The Rusins are going to continue the adventure in Guatemala for two more years!  This was not an easy decision, but it’s the right one.  We wanted to be closer and we will be.  Instead of 10,000 miles away and a $2000 flight from Majuro, we are less than a 5-hour plane ride and less than $600 away.  We have a 3-bedroom condo, so we are expecting visitors, and there are golf courses in Guatemala!  We will still dearly miss our family and friends back home and we will surely miss Majuro and our new amazing friends and family we have found here, but we are so excited for our future in Guatemala.  When Janae and I got engaged we knew that we would do this someday.  This was our dream to travel the world, live in different cultures and experience it all together.  We are living our dream; next stop Guatemala City!

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