Thursday, July 31, 2014

Embracing Nuance

Too often in the political and geo-political discussions taking place in America and around the world nuance is tragically lost.  A politician or guest on a news program will voice their opinion and be labeled: Anti-American, Anti-Israeli, Anti-Muslim, racist or in favor of something that nobody is in favor of.  Nuance must be embraced if we are to get anywhere toward solving the most complicated issues facing the world.

When Hitler committed his many atrocities, people who were not in favor of these horrific policies were not anti-German or pro-Jewish, they were simply disgusted at how one group of human beings could subject another to such torturous treatment.  The current Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza is similar.  It is wholly unhelpful to view this conflict without great nuance. 

Just because someone has objected to the Israeli government attacking schools and hospitals does not mean that they are Pro-Hamas.  What the Israeli’s are doing is wrong.  They should not be subjecting Palestinian civilians to this sort of everyday living, but at the same time the same can be said about Hamas and the daily threats that Israeli civilians have to live under.  The silent majority are being tragically silenced by the media in America only focusing on Hamas and the too hawkish Israeli government.

I hope and pray for a better discussion to ensue.  Before a peaceful solution can be orchestrated a more balanced, empathetic and nuanced conversation must take place.