Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer Fun in the USA

            Another school year is quickly coming to an end and with it a trip back to the United States for Janae, Neyla and I.  We have greatly enjoyed our first 6 months in Majuro and look forward to returning next school year with a much clearer picture of what to expect and how to make the most of our time here in the Marshall Islands.  Our trip back home will be a welcome breather to see our friends and family and to recharge our batteries for next year.  Janae has finally finished teaching her Algebra course and has wisely decided to take next year and just stay home with Neyla and enjoy island life.  This year was a challenge for me since I’d never come in midway through a year and taken over for another teacher.  I loved my students and wish I could have had an entire year with them and I will miss them next year, but am excited for my new crop of 8th graders. 

            We are looking forward to many things in the States this summer.  Aside from the obvious of spending quality time with our friends and family both in Chicago and Colorado, the top of our list includes Mexican food and some great deep-dish pizza!  I, of course, will be looking forward to playing some golf and competing in a few tournaments and hopefully it won’t take me too long to find my game.  Janae is strangely looking forward to eating at Applebee’s and Cheesecake Factory, but also as a desire for some Tapas and I’m on board with that one. 

            We will be back on June 6 in Chicago and hope that we can see everyone possible.  My phone is gone forever and I have no number, so you have to contact us through Janae’s phone!  Please email or message us on Facebook if you need that number or would like to see us during our short vacation in America.